Join us for a preshow discussion and song of our next production. David Porter and Joe Marshall will give us brief highlights of both the history of Gilbert and Sullivan’s collaboration and Iolanthe. In addition, Director Dorothy Ahlf-Wheatcraft will take us through her inspirations for Iolanthe. Songs from the show will also be included.
Blue Hill Public Library: Wednesday Jan 30, 7:00pm
Ellsworth Public Library: Thursday Jan 31, 6:30pm
Jesup (Bar Harbor) Public Library: Friday Feb 1, 7:00pm
Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri, is a comic opera with music by Arthur Sullivan and libretto by W. S. Gilbert. It opened at the Savoy Theatre on November 25, 1882 and ran for 398 performances. It is the seventh of fourteen operatic collaborations by Gilbert and Sullivan.