Major General 8
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A jilted bride driven to madness, a baronet cursed to perform wicked deeds, a local guild of disgruntled professional bridesmaids, the village beauty held hostage by etiquette, the shy farmer she loves, the heroic sailor prepared to sacrifice friendship to win her hand, and ghosts! 

An ancient witch’s curse has condemned each heir of Ruddigore to commit a crime a day or perish in agony.  Refusing to submit to this fate, the latest baronet of Ruddigore fakes his death and goes into hiding in the local village as timid farmer Robin Oakapple leaving his younger brother, Sir Despard, to shoulder the family curse.  When his identity is betrayed, will the shy and honest Robin be able to stomach the family tradition of moustache-twirling villainy-for-life or will his exasperated ancestors return from the grave to haunt him?

Gilbert and Sullivan’s satirical take on Melodrama and the Victorian obsession with the supernatural, Ruddigore turns the gothic romance tropes of Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and The Picture of Dorian Gray on their head in this zany comedy operetta that will delight the whole family.

Rehearsals: at The Moore Center (125 State Street, Ellsworth) on Saturdays (12-5 pm) and Sundays (1-5 pm) starting January 4th.

Join the chorus (no audition needed), crew, orchestra, or volunteer in other ways!  If you are planning on singing in the chorus this year and have not yet signed up, please send an email to president@gilbertsullivanmaine.org. 

Performances of Ruddigore will be at The Grand in Ellsworth on March 7, 8, 9 & 14, 15, 16.

Thank you to our media sponsor WERU Community Radio!


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