Ruddigore 2025

The cast of GSSME’s 2025 show has been hard at work preparing for our March performances!

This cast includes Christien Breau as young Robin Oakapple, Rogan Winch as his foster brother Richard Dauntless, and Aidan Pasha as Sir Despard Murgatroyd of Ruddigore. Will Robin marry his love, Rose Maybud (Alexandria Winch), or will they be stopped by Sir Despard? Will Despard marry Rose, or will he return to his beloved Mad Margaret (Sara Phillips)? Will young Robin remain in Basingstoke, or be whisked away with his faithful servant Old Adam Goodheart (Daniel Clement)?

With a full troupe of professional bridesmaids, led by Zorah (Sonia Berghoff) and Ruth (Olivia LaSalle), excitedly waiting for the next village wedding, and Dame Hannah (Deb Hangge) guiding their way, we see many classic Gilbert and Sullivan tropes come to pass. Will Dame Hannah truly have a life of eternal maidenhood, or will someone overpower her everlasting love for Sir Roderick Murgatroyd (Roland Dube)?

Come see Ruddigore this March at the Grand in Ellsworth to find out!

Ruddigore rehearsals are starting next Saturday!

The first rehearsal for our 2025 production of Ruddigore is on
Saturday, January 4th from 12-5pm at The Moore Center in Ellsworth!

If you’ve ever been curious about joining us for a production, stop by The Moore Center on Saturday and check it out! Join the chorus (no audition needed), crew, orchestra, or volunteer in other ways!  If you are planning on singing in the chorus this year and have not yet signed up, please send an email to

Rehearsals: at The Moore Center (125 State Street, Ellsworth) on Saturdays (12-5 pm) and Sundays (1-5 pm) starting January 4th.

Performances: at The Grand in Ellsworth March 7-9 and 14-16.

Thank you to everyone for their support of The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Maine this past year.  We wish you all Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year!

Annual Meeting 2024

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Maine will host its Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 26th at 1 pm.

The meeting will be held at Dotti Schaller’s house in Sullivan, Maine (email us at for the address). This is a potluck event and a time for us to gather and speak about upcoming Gilbert and Sullivan events. It is open to everyone!

We hope to see you there! 

Ruddigore Auditions

Auditions for lead roles in Ruddigore will be held on on Saturday, October 19 from 1-3 PM and Monday, October 21 from 6-8 PM at the Moore Center (125 State Street) in Ellsworth.

If you plan to audition, send us an email at so we know when to expect you.

Come prepared to sing something–a song from the show is preferred or something similar to a Gilbert & Sullivan song. At the audition, you will also be given some dialogue to run through. If you absolutely can’t make the available audition times, contact us.

Plus audition for the Lee Patterson Classical Voice Scholarship. The Lee Patterson Scholarship for Classical Voice Training, a $500 award for voice lessons available to anyone 14 years or older willing to sing a lead role or in the chorus in this year’s show.

Auditions for Ruddigore will be at The Moore Center (125 State Street, Ellsworth) on Saturday, October 19 from 1-3 PM and Monday, October 21 from 6-8 PM.

Want to sing in the chorus? No audition needed! Just email to sign up.

Performances of Ruddigore will be at The Grand in Ellsworth on March 7, 8, 9 & 14, 15, 16.
Rehearsals will be at The Moore Center Saturdays (12-5 pm) and Sundays (1-5 pm) starting January 4th.

GSSME Receives Maine Theater Grant from The Maine Community Foundation

We are delighted to announce that The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Maine is one of the recipients of Maine Community Foundation’s Maine Theater grant for 2023/24!

These funds will help GSSME produce its upcoming, fully-staged production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s operetta The Sorcerer performed with full orchestra at The Grand Theatre on Main Street in Ellsworth plus additional revue shows drawing from the duos’ prolific works.